Leading from the front with fast, adaptable skill are the hallmarks of the Light Dragoons. Historically their predecessors did that on horseback, today however the regiment specialises in their use of Jackal-2 armoured vehicles.
This is the regimental neckwear of “England’s Northern Cavalry.”
The art of exceptional tie making is expressed in a Benson & Clegg tie. Exuding timeless quality, this is one of our classic regimental ties.
Leading from the front with fast, adaptable skill are the hallmarks of the Light Dragoons. Historically their predecessors did that on horseback, today however the regiment specialises in their use of Jackal-2 armoured vehicles.
This is the regimental neckwear of “England’s Northern Cavalry.”
The art of exceptional tie making is expressed in a Benson & Clegg tie. Exuding timeless quality, this is one of our classic regimental ties.
Benson & Clegg are proud to have served the Royal household as tailors and outfitters for over 80 years. A Royal Warrant of Appointment is a mark of recognition of those who have supplied goods or services to the Households of The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh or The Prince of Wales for at least five years, and who have an ongoing trading arrangement. The symbol of the Royal Warrant represents a company has achieved the highest standards of service, quality and excellence.
Made exclusively in England in Birmingham’s famous jewellery
quarter, our blazer buttons are made by hand using traditional
techniques that have not changed in centuries.